The Android Remote Administration Tool, DroidJack v4.4
Term Sheet:
Before using the software, please read, comprehend, and agree. You acknowledge that you have read and agree to the software's terms and conditions by using it.
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The Android Remote Administration Tool, DroidJack v4.4 |
Writer: ————
2015; L.R. Sanjeevi (c).
Conditions of Use:
Term Sheet:
Before using the software, please read, comprehend, and agree. You acknowledge that you have read and agree to the software's terms and conditions by using it.
Version 4.4 of the change logs:
* Get the GPS position right away. * Flag problem resolved. quicker login procedure.
Instructions for Setting Up:
1) Use or no-ip to register a dynamic DNS.
2) Select a port (for example, 1337), forward both that port (1337) and the default port (1334). This requires port forwarding two ports!
3) Create the APK using your dynamic DNS, the port that you choose (1337), and other information!
4) Avoid scanning it on websites like virustotal or similar ones to prolong the falsehood.
Comprehensive Guide:
WAN (Internet-Based) Connectivity------------------————
1) When creating the APK, enter your port (example: 1337) and the no-ip address in the dynamic DNS.
2) Use the no-ip DUC to update the no-ip.
3) Open both the default port, 1334, and the port of your choice, 1337 (both TCP and UDP).
**************** OPPORTUNITY STEPS *********************
4) Using DroidJack, listen on port 1334 (default).
5) Verify whether your port 1334 (default) is open by visiting
(Also make sure that, while DroidJack is not listening to port 1334 (default), the port is displayed as open. The purpose of this is to ensure that port 1334 (default) is not being used by any other software.
6) Open DroidJack and listen to the port you selected (1337).
7) Verify that your port (1337) is open by visiting (Also make sure your port (1337) appears.
open when DroidJack is not listening on your port (1337). Just to make sure, port 1337 is not being used by any other applications.
8) After installing the APK, launch the app on your phone.
9) Use a different WiFi network or mobile data to connect to the internet.
Local Area Network Connectivity
1) While building the APK, enter your computer's LAN IPV4 address (type ipconfig in CMD and use the IPV4 address) in dynamic DNS and your port (example: 1337).
2) Open DroidJack and listen to the port you selected (1337).
3) Verify that your port (1337) and the default port (1334) are not being used by any other applications.
4) After installing the APK, launch the app on your phone.
5) Use WiFi or any other LAN method to connect to the same LAN as your computer.
F.A.Q. : (---)
I am unable to access the application through the login!
Answer: The case of the password and the username matters. Try to log in from the computer where you produced the UID, or send the new UID together with your username and password, if it still won't let you in. You may have changed the operating system or are attempting to log in from a different computer.
2) I can log in, but the user interface doesn't load properly or the application minimizes to the system tray!
Answer: Shut off the application and open it again later. If the issue continues, flush your IP address and obtain a new one (you can accomplish this by turning your modem off and back on after a short period of time).
seconds or through any VPN service).
3) I am positive that I have installed and launched the app on the device, but I am not receiving a connection from it!
Answer: Verify if you are attempting a LAN or WAN connection and according to the relevant guide. If the issue persists, turn off your firewall or make an exception.
4) The device can connect to me, but none of its functions are operational!
Answer: Verify that the port 1334, which is your default port, is free for both TCP and UDP traffic and that no other applications are using it. Re-follow the instructions.
5) Despite using stealth mode, the app symbol is still visible!
............................Answer: The app must be